Annapolis Symposium on the

Future of the All-Volunteer, All-Recruited Force

Hosted by the U.S. Marine Corps

January 25th, 2023

U.S. Naval Institute’s Jack C. Taylor Conference Center (Annapolis)

Future of the All-Volunteer, All-Recruited Force

The Commandant of the Marine Corps is hosting this symposium on the 50th anniversary of the end of conscription and transition to the All-Volunteer Force. The symposium will explore the changing character of war driven by the proliferation of information and advanced technologies as well as sociological, demographic, economic, and other trends within American society. Expert panelists and participating invited guests will seek to identify implications for the All-Volunteer Force and how that force can best remain combat effective, affordable, and consistent with our national values and way of life in 2040 and beyond.


RSVP by January 20th at 12noon EST

Join Us 

January 25th, 2023

U.S. Naval Institute’s Jack C. Taylor Conference Center (Annapolis)
Entering through Gate 8 on Bowyer Road